
Adult and Youth Sunday School is from 9:30 to 10:15.

Sunday 10:30 A.M. Worship

We hear the Word, lift our voices in praise to God, pray together, and reflect on God’s guidance for us.  We celebrate what God is doing in our lives and offer ourselves in service to God.  We hope as we go out to be the people of God, reflecting God’s light in our daily lives.

Our service is traditional, but relaxed, and congregational members contribute through the sharing of joys and concerns, participating in worship leadership, and through special music provided by Jim and Linda Davis.  Jim and Linda have a country/southern gospel style that has the congregation tapping their feet, laughing, and thanking God for their gifts.

We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month.

We conclude our worship service with time for fellowship.  This is genuinely a community that enjoys each other’s company.  Sundays find everyone who can possibly make it gathering in Fellowship Hall for coffee, cake and conversation.

We believe in the power of prayer and we are a community that prays actively for each other.