Partnership Churches

Several years ago, when Calvert was in a time of crises, the Presbytery affirmed the importance of continuing a Presbyterian witness in the area.  Calvert was the only Presbyterian congregation in the Etna/Sharpsburg/Millvale corridor along the river.   Several suburban churches were invited to join in a partnership to allow the outreach ministries of Calvert to continue.

That partnership is evolving  into a shared commitment to addressing the spiritual and physical hunger in the community of Etna.  Members of all four congregations have opportunities to serve side by side at the food pantry, in the children’s programs, and prayer ministries.  We are exploring additional ways to reach out into Etna.

Partners identify the opportunity to do things like go door to door and pray for the needs of Calvert’s neighbors as transforming their understanding of faith and Christian witness. Calvert is grateful for the shared vision and commitment of its partner congregations. Please take the time to see our pillars of faith and strength:

Elfinwild Presbyterian Church
Glenshaw Presbyterian Church
Parkwood United Presbyterian Church
Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church
Pittsburgh Presbytery